Sunday 9 September 2007


Throughout my life, even as a child i have always wondered what is the purpose of life. Even now i have many questions, and i have always struggled to find a medium to find out the answers. When i talk about the purpose, i mean many things. The situations you find yourself in, the people you meet, why do you like this music and not that, why does this culture interest me, what happens after life? I could go on and on.

So my purpose for writing this blog. Well first and foremost, i believe it will help me, a kind of self-counselling process. You will help me, you will have had similar experiences and i hope you will comment on these and how you have moved on from them. I am also hoping that together we can help other people who are going through similar experiences.

Please approach anything i write with an open mind, and if i offend any one i will apologise now. Whatever i write are my own experiences and feelings. If you do not like what you are reading, please leave. I will finish this opening with the words of Dr Spock and the Vulcans 'live long, and prosper'.


Al said...

Using a blog for self reflection can be a very good tool, and it takes some guts to put these things out in the open. Kudos.

mark greenwood said...

Hello Al
thanks for your comments, i had forgotten about this. Maybe time to add some more.